am I imagining this or
is the guy who 'killed himself' in Las Vegas perhaps
someone who was kidnapped, murdered, and then the car was supposed to explode and perhaps
he was just a victim of someone else's plot?
am I imagining this or
is the guy who 'killed himself' in Las Vegas perhaps
someone who was kidnapped, murdered, and then the car was supposed to explode and perhaps
he was just a victim of someone else's plot?
the damaged pervert mind wants to infect everyone with it's cosmic disease.
share the demons that way they don't feel so damned.
yuck yuck yuck they'll say, are you gay.
the guy from SNL had to resign from the senate for that kind of perverted stuff, dork.
it's not the money, it's the lack of selfish municipal employees who loot the money.
Detroit had plenty of money.
anyone who echos that is as bad as those who made it up.
no one believes that. They say that just to upset people.
anyone who says that doesn't care about heaven and hell, they think that they are smarter than you and say it just to make you upset.
echoing is makes you just as bad as they are who made it up.
you're one of them