General Mike Flynn
Terrorist attack in NOLA now reporting multiple IEDs and multiple terrorists (not all captured yet).
Terrorist attack in LV now believed to be a suicide IED vest of some type.
Drones, Where did they go?
Our border is still wide open.
There is a clear up-tic of increased Iranian activities inside the United States.
Massive cyber attack reported recently against the U.S. treasury.
War in the Middle East radically changing for the worse with the advent of a new terrorist organization taking charge of Syria and elsewhere across the region.
War in Eastern Europe raging on with use of nuclear weapons still on the table.
China military build up occurring and is the largest in over fifty years.
Remember, to keep America strong, we need to focus on #AmericaFirst
Instead because of our sustained and disastrous plunge into Ukraine to the tune of billions of dollars and it’s “not to be outdone” disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan along with the trillions (yes trillions) of dollars spent on the Iraq and Afghan wars, we are in a death spiral of biblical proportions.
The loss in military and human treasure is absolutely unconscionable.
I want @realDonaldTrump
to stay safe and be ready on day one (20 JAN). And he and that day can’t be here soon enough.
As I’ve said many times before, STAY STEADY!
Last edited
4:06 PM · Jan 1, 2025