Dance on both George H.W. Bush's grave and his husband's grave too.
Targets if ever seent on US soil.
I like how Elon mocks the elite with that leather chest decoration.
>You guys
Fuck that about?
Elon a good guy.
Apparently not so in your book.
2021 is most recent info you have of Elon being a Demonrat?
Remember, Elon switched sides.
You bring up older than shit shit to tear him down now.
Fucker off.
In Elon's shoes.
He didn't break any laws with h1b.
He took advantage just like Trump has with tax breaks.
Elon still has companies to run.
If employees think their job is gone, who's to say what they will do in their current position at said company.
Why he defends h1b until the laws change, which is coming.
A lot of people keep looking back.
I look foward.
was my meaning
People can name all sorts of bad things the foreigners could sabotage at Musk's companies.
$1 says nobody here can hurt Musk's feels.
He fell for the media tricks and was all aboard.
Till he learned the truth.
Not only did he learn the truth, but he stood up against the lies.
Yet so many still get triggered by a game they still don't know how to play.
He has nothing to cover up illegal, so the truth can only work in his favor.
The truth isn't for criminals without repercussions.
Unless they made the deal early on.
Rock on 3lon.
Elites who traffic in children.
Yet you paint Elon as the bad guy.
Elites who steal your wealth illegally.
But it's Elon you hate more.
Elites who killed you and maimed many more.
But you say Elon is out to get you.
>Implying Elon (richest man in world) is not an elite
I didn't say that.
Nor did I imply.
Elites who do evil shit.
An elite who does not do evil shit.
Your mind is twisted.
You do know ">" is used here to quote someone.
Guess you don't.
I can't help you to untwist your mind.
Go find a good therapist.