Put her on a vent and give her Remdesivir.
Oh, and be sure to starve her as well.
And have her family sign a DNR.
Put her on a vent and give her Remdesivir.
Oh, and be sure to starve her as well.
And have her family sign a DNR.
Oh, and don't forget the Midazolam as well.
There ya go!
Crazy 8s
So parents and doctors get to order the death penalty for babies.
At what age is a child protected from being murdered by their parents and/or a physician?
5 years old, 10, 20?
These are the same people who don't believe in the death penalty for mass murderers, but they believe in the death penalty for the most vulnerable and innocent members of society.
>The problem with the death penalty is letting the corrupt state have control over it.
Bring lynching back.
DEI nigger bitch was just reading the statement that she was given to read.
Christian White people should all name their boys Muhammad as well. That would really confuse everyone.
>Many of our campaign tactics are out of date
What they really mean is that their cheating methods are out of date.
They need to cheat harder next time.
But he claimed that he didn't know that Carter didn't get an envelope at Geo. H.W. Bush's funeral.
Is Playing Dumb one of his Super Powers?
Had to get a little pitch in there, a boo-hoo for the Jew.