What are they feeding them in Fort Bragg?
First (((they))) replaced White Christian men with Black women in positions of power (both in Hollywood TV and in real life),
now the replacement is with Indians.
Started noticing it with Google CEO Sunar Pichai.
the only "white" men in high positions are Jews and Crypto-Jews. (both in Media and real life)
Last month, anon saw a video that someone took walking the halls of Congress.
In front of the door of every Congress whore was an American flag AND a fucking ISRAELI flag!
Some also had a big banner above their doors with giant words WE STAND WITH ISRAEL.
80% of Congress should be hanged for Treason.
Libtard retard NYC Mayor wants to switch parties.
He gave the illegals in NYC each $5,000 on top of their free hotel and 3 meals catered a day.
That's just anti-Semitic!
Back in the 80's (?) the Board of Education eliminated IQ tests in schools because too many Black parents complained about their kids being tested at "retarded" level of 75-85 IQ.
Don't Test, Don't Tell
the Ketanji Jackson Lee moran on the Supreme Court, during her Congressional "confirmation" hearing couldn't even answer basic legal questions.
The TYRANY all started with the Jewish owned "Federal" Reserve in 1913.
When they OWN the creation of money out of thin air, with unlimited money, they can and have literally bought anyone and everything of value in America.
the word that cannot be said out loud without being oppressed:
J _ _ _
Part of the Sigil of Lu_ _ _ _ r
Elyon Musk is very high up in the System.
Jesse Czebotar had admitted that Elon Musk was in her training group during her childhood, and that she also observed him at the bloody 12 year old hierarchy boys ritual held in the pool at the VanDerBilt estate.
What you didn't hear about the Catapult that threw Jews from the train directly into the Ovens???
Hal Turner posted that Al Jolani is Jewish.
Deep cover school in Tel Aviv where they train Jews to go undercover, even marrying Palestinians.
there's an Israeli TV series Fauda in which the Mossad Jew main character poses as an Islamic suicide bomber to get close to the Islamic leader.
Same with the Al Queada leader, Al Baghdadi who I always thought looked moar Jewish than Arab.
and Al Bagdadhi to make it seem like he's Iraqi, yet real Iraqis don't have last names based on Bagdid city.
>>fucking drones on east coast are his/CIA
Elon Musk is a major Gov't DOD Contractor, he's put up over 5,000 Starlink satellites, with plans to put up thousands moar.
He's just the current "golden Jew" boy put out for the Sheeple masses to venerate.
Bill Gates
Mark Zuckerberg
Jeff Bezos
Same bullshit "origin story", same murky parentage, same glorification as the "richest man in the World".
Same everyday Legacy Media promotion on a DAILY basis to put each one in your face during their public reign.
Description of the AntiChrist in the Bible:
He will be loved by all.
The first three were cold, weird and too freaky to generate any real love from the Sheeple, but Musk plays his role well because he can say witty or provocative things, and flip flop from being Obama's pet to Trump's side man.
That's like Benyamin Netanyahu having changed his Polish Jewish vreal name Mileikowsky to Netanyahu to sound moar "Hebrew".
Just like Javier "Milei" shortened his last name.
At least Mexico's Jewish Pres. Claudia Scheinbaum didn't change her name to sound moar "Mexican" in a 98% Christian Mexico.
EV car sales are tanking, including Teslas.
This is good publicity for Elyon Musk.
The price of the 2024 Tesla Cybertruck starts at $81,985 and goes up to $121,985 depending on the trim and options.
Beast $101,985
Beast Foundation Series $121,985
How does an Army guy afford a Tesla Cybertruck?
Notice that Musk names two of the models "Beast".
Looks like a Jewish man