I know it does no good. Still gonna S0C as best I can faggot!
I know it does no good. Still gonna S0C as best I can faggot!
I used to could post memes, but that changed months ago. I haven't used gab since the ability to post meme went away unless you pay.
The word "Catholic" means universal which was the intent of including "all God's" as Rome wanted all deities to be observable as long as their God was included. Hence Catholicism becoming the dominant "Christian" religion and successfully subverting the Christ following community with their "mirrored faith"!
Care to try again retard, kek!
Praying to a woman (Mary). Asking a man(priest) for forgiveness. This is Catholic!
I am the truth, the way and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. This is the Word!
I'm sticking with the teaching of Iesus(Jesus) thank you and kek!
Sauce it then, kek!
Pope said relationship with Jesus is not that important. Can't ride with that, kek!
Poast yer research, kek!
Not hard to findโฆthe truth, kek!