Oh yeah
He's a Gigavaxxed
(you) are more Powerful than some would like you to be
And just like that America wasn't a "Democracy" Anymore
Pieces are Being Positioned
The Trap Sprung
(you) are more than you Have
Be Ready for the Flip
not a Magnetic pole flip, don't be Ohio
Once in Position
Pieces will start coming off the board Rapidly in a Tit for Tat fashion
Like Dominoes
Defenses Destroyed
Ranks Decimated
Then a Hopeless Gambit for a Stalemate
Don't be Ohio
I'm talking about Good is Good and Evil is Evil becoming reality again
Not the Good is Evil & Evil is Good world we are currently watching self destruct
Checkmate in 17 Moves
There is no Escape
It's Game Over
They can Scream all they want
Up will be Up once again
What's The Difference Between Reality & a Conspiracy Theory
10 years ago: Infinity
5 Years ago: 1 Year
2 Years ago: 6 Months
Today: Minutes
FBI was never going to say it was a Terrorist Attack
They Didn't have a Choice to tell the Truth
(you) forced their hand
"They (The Unvaxxed) Are Cowards"
"They are Losers"
95% of Covid Deaths are occurring in the vaxxcinated