>so you say it's … priests?
Lavender Mafia:
'a network of homosexual priests and bishops who promoted one another, supported one another, and covered up one another’s crimes.'
'… the nature of clergy sexual abuse: It was the work of homosexual predators in the priesthood. Were there cases of priests molesting girls? Yes. Were there cases of lay employees molesting young people? Yes. But, the reason some 50 Church workers in my Diocese were attending a training course that night was because of homosexual priests.'
'… the networks of homosexually oriented clergy operating to protect each other.'
'Lavender Mafias - the plural. The coercive network of homosexualization that has gained so much power within the Catholic Church hierarchy is just one of a number. To understand more fully the current crisis in the Church, we need to be aware of them all, since they all work together toward a homosexualization of the culture.'