Anonymous ID: 6743af July 20, 2018, 11:57 p.m. No.2228851   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2228513 lb


It's surprising how many Anons

Are still unable

To distinguish a message with truth

From a message full of lies.

This is how powerful the brainwashing has been


It is not just the cult offspring who are abused

We sheep are also abused in different ways

Anonymous ID: 6743af July 21, 2018, 12:13 a.m. No.2228929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8936 >>8983 >>9201

>>2228803 lb


The two or more voices is something that is easier to create in people from the Family bloodlines because of genetics. Not sure how it works, but certain people are more susceptible to dissociated identities and it runs in the family.


In Celtic cultures they used to call it "second sight" because the assumption was that one voice was in communion with angels or God.


In any case, this splitting off of personas happens in non-cult people too. I have a persona that I call the driver who is an excellent driver of cars, stick shift or automatic. He feels like he possesses the body of the car and has odd quirks like looking other cars straight in the eye when he is uncertain of their intent. The eye of the car, is a headlight. It makes no rational sense but this guy is a damn good driver. I can get lost in conversations and arguments in my head, and then suddenly, I see the road and I have no idea where I am and cannot remember getting there. But sometimes if I pay attention, I can feel the driver take over from me when a dangerous situation developes. Stuff like a sports car passing on the right and cutting in front of me, are a piece of cake for him to evade. And icy snowy roads are no problem. He even goes above the speed limit some of the time zooming past semis jacknifed in the median, and people spun out in a snow bank. He seems to know where the ice is under the snow.


As for the conversations in my head, I think that I actually create new personas on demand to represent people in my life like a boss or a colleague. Then I can have a planning discussion while the driver gets us safely to work.


I have celtic ancestry and have had some psychic episodes. Like knowing that a friend had died, at the exact moment of his death. It was 6 hours before I was called to tell me about it. And I can predict the near future in my life, maybe a few weeks out. If I want to, which I usually don't bother with consciously.


I'm hoping that people like you from the cult can teach us more about how DID works,. I suspect that schizophrenia is just DID with two personas in which the main persona fears and rejects the other. That is what makes it a bad thing. I am hoping that we learn how to set up personas without torture, in a way that the owner of the body is fully in control of them. No external triggers and booby traps. That way when it is time to work, you can focus on it with NO MENTAL DISTRACTION all day long. And when the day is done and you leave the office, no need to unwind, just switch to your leisure persona and you never worry about work at all. Of course the work persona can keep working in the background parked away in a room with a mirror that he can check whenever he wants to see what the body is up to.


It sound like they may have programmed you with a simpler set of personas than many cult members because you were always intended to be sacrificed.

Anonymous ID: 6743af July 21, 2018, 12:15 a.m. No.2228941   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hey, you know how Putin is always accused of invading Georgia in 2008. Well he did NOT do that because he was not in office at the time. It was the President of Russia who gave the order to invade, and at that time the President was Dmitri Medvedev. Putin was only Prime Minister then.

Anonymous ID: 6743af July 21, 2018, 12:28 a.m. No.2228991   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9005



I think the best way to fight this

Is out in the community

Join with people in MAGA alliance groups

And encourage them to bring in their teenagers

As young as they want because the important thing

Is that the kid should should have some understanding of the adult world

And the process of politics

Some kids mature at age 11, other barely make it by 18

And I am talking about INTELLECTUAL matury here.

To participate in politics you need to be able to discuss and learn

Intellectual issue.


Now, why bring in the kids?

Because we are creating the world

That they will be living in

So lets give them some hope for the future

And a stake in the future.

Let them decide what local issues are important to deal with

Because DC is far away

And people need to be playing the game of politics

At state, county and municipal levels too.


Someone in the back asked about what this has to do with pedos

It's really quite simple

Let's make politics real interesting for them

And Education is part of politics

So what about bringing manufacturing back to the USA

Doesn't that affect them? Of course

So get them involved in learning and preparing for it

What about rebuilding infrastructure?

What does that mean in your city?

Which things need to be repaired? Replaced?

What new things should be built?

Get them working on making detailed presentations to city council and building robots with 3d printed parts and stuff like that.

Fewer of them will then care about having sex with grownups

The left's actions will fizzle when their are MORE KIDS PROTESTING their actions

Than joining them.

It does not take a lot to tip the balance.

Anonymous ID: 6743af July 21, 2018, 12:35 a.m. No.2229019   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9048



You need to get of that satanic religion you have been following

Learn about how satanists compromised the Scofield bible

That has been used to train more Evangelical Christian ministers

Satanism is taught from Christian pulpits in America


There are some core truths that they can lie about

But which do not change.

God created us all with free will

If we do not consent to possession by demons

Then they will not possess us, PERIOD

In fact if we do not consent to communicate with demons, they will just stay away

And when demons wander into your life there is no need to fear

Demons have NO POWER

Just tell them firmly to go away and never come back.

If you can do this in a state of calm, the wandering demons go away.

You can even pray to God and ask for a kind of shield bubble

Around you and your family

To keep demons away

If one comes near, when it encounters the bubble it knows that it is not wanted

And it leaves. The bubble somehow sas their energy


Do this and forget about the demons.


And read up on SRA and DID so you know the science behind what I was talking about earlier

Anonymous ID: 6743af July 21, 2018, 2:22 a.m. No.2229415   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9452 >>9487



No I haven't read that one. I know more about MN Ultra style mind control which the CIA developed as a quick version of the Illuminati technique. And I have read on the topic of DID Dissociative Identity Disorder and on SRA Satanic Ritual Abuse.


The Illuminati use SRA which is basically child abuse from the age of a few months old, up until the child is initiated into the Family at around age 21. The Illuminati consist of many separate and competing bloodlines. While they all knew the basic Golem techniques that were pioneered in Sumeria, they all developed their own styles. And in a bloodline, the matriarch assigns individuals to different roles early in life and they get different forms of conditioning depending on what they will do. Survivors of SRA are describing Illuminati Mind Control. This is what psychotherapists run into out in the wild and only recently have they put two and two together and discovered that DID is not nearly so rare as was thought, This attachment is from a therapist who treats DID.


The MK Ultra style works in about 6 months with refreshers needed every couple of years, and some help from a handler from time to time. The CIA wanted this to create Supersoldier/Assassins like Jason Bourne. This is described in CIA docs that were declassified by Trump.


MKUltra is what the Hollywood moguls adopted for A-list celebs. They are virtually all mind control slaves created using MK Ultra or a more updated version called Monarch. The programmers who do this, quite illegally, are mostly former military PsyOps people who are familiar with Special Torture techniques, The ones that are outlawed not.


Whatever the technique, they all create compartmentalized consciousness where the ego is broken into separate personas. In some people these personas can hold conversations and interact, But in most slaves, the masters want to control the personas so they program in triggers for bringing one out to use the body, and sending it back in its parked location, Often the personas are parked in a fantasy world built using Alice in Wonderland stories, or Peter Pan, or the Wizard of Oz or various newer Disney movies, Roughly speaking they go into a place that has no communication with the outside world except for some kind of magic mirror where they can ask for help, or look out and see what the body is doing. Most often the personas are separated by amnesia walls and access to the mirror is restricted. Anything that one persona knows, the others do not, because of the amnesia wall. This is how one persona can participate in a satanic ritual and kill a baby by slashing it and sucking the blood from its body, but if arrested and interrogates with a lie detector, they say they know nothing and they pass the test as speaking 100% truth, It's like the memories were erased. Of course the core personality always remembers, but it is buried deep beneath the personas, And when the satanic ritual persona is triggered again, they rememberf everything they did before but have no knowledge of other personas.


And yes, all the A-list celebs that are slaves, have one or more beta sex kitten personas that have zero sexual inhibitions. These actors, singers, and sports stars will have sex with anyone their master commands them to, male or female, dead or alive, human or animal, and they can even be programmed to achieve orgasm having sex with silly things like apple pies. I think the Hollywood moguls are rather more extreme in the sexual department than most of the Illuminati bloodlines.


It's a big topic, but I think we can potentially harness compartmentalized consciousness in the future without the trauma or torture to create personas, and with the individual having full control over their mind, In a world where everyone has to orchestrate a team of personas in their mind, we ought to be a lot better at teamwork and should more easily accomplish great things.

Anonymous ID: 6743af July 21, 2018, 2:27 a.m. No.2229435   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Can you believe it???

So few Americans care about Russia

Interfering in Elections

That Gallup can't even measure it

The number is too small!!!