Of course. The "New Age' is just old-school Occultism for people who are not evil enough for the real thing.
GoodHumor/Heartbrand started using that logo in 1998. We need to look at how far back the symbol has been used by pedos. It it was adopted only recently then I think we can excuse the ice cream company.
Why shouldn't it? Is there any common name that one couldn't connect to something?
I know. But I don't see any connection between her and Strzok.
Pick a random name and imagine seeing it there. There are many, many names that would raise eyebrows around here. So I don't read anything into this.
What search terms did you use?
A image search for "russian bikini model" on DDG turns up maybe 2 out of hundreds (plus a few who appear to be legit swimsuit modeling for retail). The one with pedo butterflies is from Pinterest. That's hardly a surprise. If they like Instagram and Twitter to openly flaunt their sick shit I would certainly like Pinterest too.
Eh.. it doesn't look too badly categorized. Remember that most of this stuff is done by algorithms that use related terms and AI image recognition. That image looks pretty innocent in context. If it was some pedo's collection then most of the images would be sexually suggestive, not just the one.
I suspect Putin either gave Trump some evidence of agreed to work with the FBI. But it's doubtful that he actually put it inside something as visible as the soccer ball. There would be too much political risk for both of them to do something that silly.
>Race mixing was a big agenda in the movies.
You think you're being subtle. All you're really doing is red-flagging yourself.
What? Trump was telling Elton John that he knew about his organ transplant from an unconventional source.
That not quite how DID works. There is always the one 'real' personality that is aware or everything and in control if they want to be. The others are essentially, or at least start out as, coping mechanisms for whatever trauma the person went through.
But I suppose it's possible that the real persona could become so damaged that they cannot function in the normal world. So everything that the world sees is a alternate persona.