that sounds like a victim, almost all the victims I met lived with family or had family that was trying to take them back - it's because the good guys are working behind the scenes flipping cultists and family is often the ones they flip - so they get them away from the owls and into the hands of the other cultists because the owls don't usually flip - in fact at the facility where I met the other victims one was let out early and came back after her owl tried to kill her which is why (I believe) the day after that when I left the facility myself this was the QResearch board title.
I think they weren't taking any chances after she nearly died. He did it by car fumes, locked himself and her into the car but she got out. She was supposed to go with family but she still trusted that one friend they gave her just as I would have if I hadn't learned the truth. That's the danger of freeing people from a life like that.
So my advice is if you really want to help them then be very very careful, try and get them to ask questions about why their life has been as it has but the danger is if they are still controlled by an owl they didn't put in a box then that's the person they will go to whenever they are panicked so it's very hard to get them to ask the right questions with that hanging over their head.