>>22289047 pb
>У россиян есть автомобили.
есть ли у них корветы ZL-1 1969 года?
what a fucking joke
can you haul a 300 gal tote full of potable water?
can you haul a ton of #57 crushed limestone?
can you haul one single 4x8 sheet of plywood?
can you haul a one single 2x10 x 16 foot
can you haul one single 20 ft length of 10" PVC well casing?
can you haul one single 10ft length of 4" PVC sewer pipe
then it's NOT a truck
it's a useless retarded toy for useless retarded billionaires
>Лада Нива – отличный автомобиль с блокируемым дифференциалом.
похоже, мой ребенок мог бы поместиться на водительском сиденье. у меня квадроцикл с большими колесами.
hauled all of those and more in my 96 GMC
(not all at once)
236,000 miles and doesn't use oil
think imma need a clutch sometime this decade, tho
>No brakes makes it moar exciting.
nothing sadder than worn out slut trying and failing to look "hot"