The Deepstate Players Taking a bow. At least no one has to wonder who the second Tier Puppets and Puppet Masters are.
Now how about a reveal of the hidden players !
The Deepstate Players Taking a bow. At least no one has to wonder who the second Tier Puppets and Puppet Masters are.
Now how about a reveal of the hidden players !
Ricky definitely knows the score and has protection. He just doesn't give a fuck anymore. Even Athiests have morals that make them recoil in disgust at the Pedovore Cult.
This Post is 100% a Principle of being Anon
If something hooked you here 2016-2018, You are not a Trump Sycophant, You are an individual capable of discerning truth.
This isn't just behind bars, anyone working with Indian workforce in corporate america knows they still have caste levels. If you are a raja you can abuse the other Indisns without repercussion, if you are one of the Patel clan you are responsible for selling anything and everything for $$$$. The rest just take orders. The attraction of America is opportunity to break out.
A brain implant could be removed, The mark is irreversible. Thinking more along the lines of Hitman 47. altered DNA with a barcode of nannites