Anonymous ID: 45b5f7 Jan. 4, 2025, 8:06 a.m. No.22291097   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Remember that vidya of HRC shaking her head uncontrollably while talking with some press folks?


Qrelated verbiage:

These people are sick

Project Looking Glass

Alice & Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome also known as Todd Disease


In 1955 psychiatrist John Todd suggested the name “the syndrome of Alice in Wonderland” to refer to a handful of cases involving these perceptual disturbances. In most of those cases, the person suffered from migraines or epilepsy—or both. In fact, Todd cited Lewis’s own history of migraines as part of the reason for the name, which captures the whimsical, eerie feeling that can be evoked by both the novel and the syndrome’s distortions.


*Although more research is needed, migraine is considered the leading cause for AWS in adults. Infection is considered the primary cause for AWS in children.


Other possible causes include:



cough medicine

use of hallucinogenic drugs



brain tumor



People who experience AWS are more likely to experience migraines. Some researchers and doctors believe AWS is actually an aura. This is an early sensory indication of a migraine. Others believe AWS may be a rare subtype of migraine.


Size distortion

Micropsia is the sensation that your body or objects around you are growing smaller. Macropsia is the sensation that your body or objects around you are growing larger. Both are common experiences during an episode of AWS.


Perceptual distortion

If you feel that objects near you are growing larger or that they’re closer to you than they really are, you’re experiencing pelopsia. The opposite of that is teleopsia. It’s the sensation that objects are getting smaller or farther away from you than they really are.


Time distortion

Some people with AWS lose their sense of time. They may feel time is moving faster or slower than it really is.


Sound distortion

Every sound, even typically quiet sounds, seems loud and intrusive.


Loss of limb control or loss of coordination

This symptom occurs when muscles feel as if they’re acting involuntarily. In other words, you may feel as though you’re not controlling your limbs. Likewise, the altered sense of reality can affect how you move or walk. You may feel uncoordinated or have difficulty moving about as you normally would.



Wondering if use of hallucinogenics are used on trafficked kids to induce AIWS, to keep them docile?

Wondering if use of hallucinogenics in adults causes AIWS (HRC shaking) Are there others?