All of Creation already exists. God created all of it and it exists as infinite possibilities that we plug into via our beliefs/programming/thoughts we keep thinking over n over. Our reticular activating system filters out every possibility from coming into what we call reality via our beliefs. We match the frequency of it and then it shows up into what we translate via our 5 physical senses into what we perceive as physical. Left brain programs it, RAS filters everything else out n right brain produces the “picture” we experience in the 3D in full living color. The believer has the power of persuasion over others. Satan is POWERLESS, was made to crawl on belly without arms or legs, and given only the ability to persuade others to be its arms and legs for it. The debil has no power, the only Source of Power is God. The debil created the ILLUSION of separation from God. There are not two powers, only one. Allow God or resist God n when we resist, the hair turns grey and life is difficult and the body wears down gets sick n gives out. We are ETERNAL. There’s no rush to leave Earth. We don’t have to hurry. We don’t have to croak.
Do I belieb in the power of the mind? Sheeeeeit, nigga. Call me.