Ivanka has never had any charisma, and no fan base.
Not even when Daddy put her on The Apprentice for National exposure/fame, not even when Daddy put her in the Oval Office and took -his-daughter-to-work to World Leader meetings. with big Cabal Media coverage.
Even with that kind of serious promotion, Ivanka's as exciting as a dead fish. (compare her flaccid blandness with Don Trump Jr. who has a fan base, earned by himself)
and of course, there's hubby 666 Chabad Israel-First Jared Kushner.
People KNOW this is a lame ploy to get Jared a flaming Chabad Mossad Israel-First Jew into the Oval Office.
This ongoing "Ivanka President" trope has been shopped here for yeeears. hoping that you won't remember that BOTH Ivanka and Jared Kushner has always been/are NYC CHABAD ULTRA-LIBERAL JEWISH BILLIONAIRE DEMOCRATS.
Ivanka for Pres.? It's still a BIG NOPE
try harder, Mossad IDF internet manipulators