Here's just a failure of an NPC trying to force something similar that he seemingly covets others' ability to do. He wants to be what you associate that concept with. Petty little mind games using negative Pavlovian reinforcement with compelled listening from an insignificant Absolute Retard.
Attack Jim, when that fails,
Attack BO, when that fails,
Attack BV's, when that fails,
Attack bakers, when that fails,
Attack Anons, when that fails,
Attack Jews, when that fails,
Attack SP, when that fails,
Attack Mr. Pig, when that fails,
Return to top of list and repeat.
In a nutshell these days anyway.
Partly too why they launched into an imitation routine to "destroy." Not so much as to destroy the person but to destroy the association between that meme and myself. They failed, because they only focused on the arrays of pixels.
I can assure everyone that I missed that should be included on that list that it wasn't intentional nor a slight in any form not to neglect their mention.
KEK. AEI is posting pictures of his dad again and using the Ghoul's naming convention for the flag.
>Where are the autists?
Ignoring the broken clocks desperate to be right even once a day and focusing on the real clocks.
The shills sure seem to know the ins and outs of the ethnicity they're targeting, using their words and phrases. I'm willing to bet they've spent time in mimicry of that target, just like they did with me.
Not really. Your mimicry was a failure by the way, you second-place shitface.
Back to some Clancy goodness and a smoke.
It's their persona version of CP and gore you know.
Pay attention. It'll reveal itself.
The true possessor of the personality flaw they haven't been able to make stick onto someone else they want to destroy. They must be very desperate to roll him out this early in the day.
You see, Tranimae, when you admitted it's a persona that you all shared you just confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that the whole intent of your persona is to deceive.
>Why on Earth would you expect to be entitled to getting a clear and direct representation of a real person through the Internet?
Why are you trying to tell me what I'm expecting? I knew you wouldn't be able to resist. How many devices/instances are you running concurrently right now?
Frothing retard rage spam. Hoes be mad.
KEK! Schrรถdinger's warrior. He knows, but yet at the same time he doesn't know. Ain't that some shit.
And of course the dumbfucks thought that was an opening for their retarded propaganda. Federal failures famously failing every fucking day.
Holy shit. I just refreshed.
That'll make a good meme blank. "What's under her hand? What's she holding?"
A lot of stuff could be placed under that hand with the right memesmith. Just sayin'. I think it's good meme material.
If you smoke more in a day than you would drink in a day, and you smoke every day, then it kind of starts putting things into perspective.