There's the little bastard.
Looks to be in a garage or something similar with the shelving behind them, not in a house, so second-hand furniture in that condition is finding another purpose. I see some cans of STP so that's what made me think garage.
Store, garage, something similar. I was close but missed. Both places of business.
Hey, shills. I don't know if you've noticed yet or not, but throwing a bigger tantrum does not mean that you will get what you want.
Maybe he saw the light and decided to MAGA with sincerity. Those chatlogs over who Q was, from a supposed conversation with the old BO are really kind of irrelevant when you think about it.
>I'm judging him by what he's doing right now.
Alright, but if you're going to judge him by what he's doing now, then say you fail to trust him, and he's a proven liar, and then say here's Victor Orban stuff posted from a completely different account than Poso's, it kind of makes your argument look like ridiculous bullshit. How is that X link you posted supposed to support your argument against Poso? I have to filter you now.
Yeah, I instantly stopped using canola oil once I looked into it after an interaction with an anon on here. Seed oil. Rapeseed in fact. GMO'd to resist Roundup. Roundup has glyophosphates in it that cause cancer in humans but the cooking oil plant is engineered to resist those or something else in that pesticide? Right.
But… but… Alinsky said that all they needed to do was keep the pressure on and their lies will become truths, and Goebbels said make the lie big enough and keep repeating it and people will eventually believe it. They said it! THEY SAID IT, ANON! Those two said if they keep doing that they'll get what they want. It always worked without fail before, until they met some stubborn frogs, the letter Q, and the number 17.
I fail to see how that would be a problem.
Check'd trip.
Seems more like a deep state shameless flaunt than comms of any kind.
Best I can do is Lemmy driving a rig.
Every one I ever met were the kindest, gentlest souls I ever met. I can concur on your retard strength statement though. Sweet and kind, but don't deliberately piss 'em off.
Yeah, there's one I interact with in town regularly. He's in his mid-60's now, they don't normally get that old. He doesn't have Downe's, but from what I understand he was the last born in a family of a fair number of children and he liked to turn around in the womb. Wrapped the umbilical around his neck and stifled oxygen or some reason and the brain never developed fully. Has the mentality of someone 6 or 7 years old and the memory retention of a goldfish for day to day events in his life, but he never forgets a face. I've never met a mean handicapped person, ever.
>Interesting to know about the umbilical cord thing btw. Every moment is survival.
Birth complications have been around a long time.