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>Here's Who Was At The Super Exclusive Kleiner Perkins Party Last Night
>Here's Who Was At The Super Exclusive Kleiner Perkins Party Last Night
Hammer Time the following week. Podcast could be have some sauce
VC Tim Draper Got Down With MC Hammer Last Night At This Crazy Pink Party
Boonsri Dickinson
Dec 16, 2011, 12:51 AM UTC
Jesse Draper and MC Hammer get down
Scott Vlha, Doorstep Photography
Last night, Jesse Draper threw one heck of a party to celebrate her fourth season of Valley Girl, her Silicon Valley talk show.
The Circus Room looked completely different than the way we saw it last week at the Kleiner Perkins holiday party. It was, well, much more pink.
Jesse Draper used her family's Silicon Valley connections to get started her dad is famed VC Tim Draper but it now has legs of its own with all sorts of distribution channels, including Roku and Boxee boxes and TV sets at Taco Bell and Arby's.
At her first party celebrating the show last night, Jesse asked the Undrip startup guys who rapped to get funding to come sing live. Guests from Facebook, Twitter, Google, Square, Von Church, Giftiki were on the guest list. MC Hammer came late, but just in time for the dance party.
Check it out..