>>22296306 lb
Out of the loop the last couple of days but did hear there was a shitstorm over the "Big Guy" awarding the Medal of Freedom to a bunch of shtstained people and now I see why. Hillary Clinton, George Soros and this PPH fuck Cecile Richards.
But, this makes total sense to me because as Evan Sayet said in his talk at the Herirege Foundation back in 2007, "How the Modern Liberal Thinks". The "masterminds" who developed this mindset look back over the enitre history of mankind and civilization and they believe that they know one thing. No government, no politcal party, no religion, no philosophy, no idealology, nothing, has succeeded in ridding the world of war, poverty, crime and injustice. All the ills that have plagued society since the begining of time have happened because someone, thinks they are "RIGHT" about something. So, in order to rid the world of all these ills they concluded that the only way to do so is to always, ALWAYS, argue the direct opposite of good, right and moral. No matter the issue, no matter what. This is why [they] tells us that a man can be a woman, can have a baby, can play in women's sports. A fetus is not human life until it's born and not even then if the mother decides she doesn't want it and chooses to have it killed. There's nothing wrong with this being described as "Women's Reproductive and Health Rights". If terrorist are actually "freedom fighters" as Sayet states, shouldn't they be fighting for freedom? And it goes on to include every single aspect of daily life from A to Z.
All 3 of these people are purvayors of filth and evil and they have done their part, their best, to elevate filth and evil and tear down good, right and moral. Normalizing abnormality. They believe over time, for as long as it takes, advocating for filth and evil will defeat good, right and moral and eventually, no one believes in anything. There is no bad, there is no good, no morality, no immorality. No one is right, no one is wrong. We will then be able to all hold hands and sing kumbaya as we live in Utopia. If anyone deserves these Medal of Freedom honors, it is these three. They all epitomize the "Long March Forward" to tear down Western Civilization. And they get rewarded for it. See? These people are honorable, all normal, all deserved. But if one gives this just a moments thought, you realize that they are substituting and promoting a mindset that parallels the one they seek to destroy. Logical and rational people are left to conclude, that there is such a thing as good, right and moral. That evil does exist and that it must be combated and deafeated. One wil also conclude that these people are fucking retards and should be afforded zero understanding, zero tolerance and most of all, zero POWER. They should be rendered inate and irrelevant in charting the future course of this great nation. They are nihilist and destroy everything they touch and as one great Anon once opined, "everything they touch turns to shit".