but their good friend jamal down the street would never -gasp- so everyone must endure the 1 million+ jamals who would
so to answer your question, no they won't get it and no they never will
but their good friend jamal down the street would never -gasp- so everyone must endure the 1 million+ jamals who would
so to answer your question, no they won't get it and no they never will
then some weak fucking beta liberal will create an advocacy group for them because they couldn't make it doing anything else and boom! there's fame, some money too, and a fancy new car like they're coming on down for the price is right
now your doctors are wearing hijabs and your white daughters are fucking mohammad or yael
they just snatch them off the street while basically being told from the top down that they're the new untouchable class
then make dei laws against discrimination or whatever other phobia/ist/ism you want to throw in there to place you in a cucked on the back foot position
this leaves you vulnerable not only at the primal protect your family at all costs level but also the institutional if you do take action to protect yours then you'll be punished
it also doesn't help when even royalty got blackmailed in an international pedophile ring and they pull the strings at what countries do from the tippy top
here we go with this shit
that's the problem
people still think they're living in a high trust society when we ain't in fuckin' kansas anymore
now if only millions of former vets and like minded people weren't hamstrung by "the law" then the trash would get taken out in a week and people could go about living their lives
but We LiVe In A sOcIeTy of sheep like you
because writing seat belt tickets to 80 year old grandmas, harassing a fisherman for open carrying, and speeding tickets for going 5mph over the limit is what really matters in this country
gotta pay for those $60k suv cruisers somehow
>clearly missed the hamstrung by the law part
and you'd be surprised how many non vets are in the same boat
>still pretends to think
vatican spammer deserves to hang by a noose
you wouldn't do shit