"Woke", in another word, is cultural Marxism. Cultural Revolution is the term being used here in America.
A survivor of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution is bringing her message to Minnesota.
Xi Van Fleet is the author of “Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning” and will be teaching a live online conference called “Mapping a Woke Free Future” sponsored by the Child Protection League on Saturday, Jan. 25 alongside Joy Pullman, executive editor of The Federalist.
As long as we have people who want to be taken care of by the government, as long as we have people who want to be victim, because victim give them power, and as long as we have people, the so-called intellectuals, who feel like they know a better way of living and they’re going to show the rest of us how to live, we’re going to have woke. Woke, in another word, is cultural Marxism. I’m very familiar with it because I was born in China, lived through Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Cultural Revolution is the word we have here in America,” she said.
Van Fleet spoke to Liz Collin ahead of the conference on a recent podcast.
Moar: https://alphanews.org/survivor-of-maos-cultural-revolution-warns-americans-about-the-slavery-of-communism/