Musk thinks he's the fucking boss now.
Making pronouncements about who can be the leader of another county's political party, that Trump has endorsed multiple times
Musk thinks he's the fucking boss now.
Making pronouncements about who can be the leader of another county's political party, that Trump has endorsed multiple times
fascinating how musk seems to suddenly have the same personality as Jared
Is he really going to show up to the "sentencing". I wouldn't, if I was in his shoes.
I was just give a news conference and say send your gestapo, create your constitutional conflict.
Nah. I think it's real life with some controlled elements.
Deiciding which is real life & which is controlled is a judgement call
Best ever.
Probably the best normie waker
If you're starting from ZERO
is that 2020 video
>Deiciding which is real life & which is controlled is a judgement call
olive oil - mostly fake - the olive means flavor or color, not it came from olives
orange juice - the orange means flavor or color, not it came from oranges
honey - mostly fake. real honey should have pollen in it. almost none does.
maple syrup - mostly fake
All high markup liquids/powders are adulterated
>yougay faggot police 2.png
London is the head communist zombie.
Exactly. And we may have some pretty good guesses about which is which.
But I'd be damn careful.
Take this faggot, for example:
Lot of controversy about this faggot.
He thinks he's the boss now.
Going against longstanding Trump positions everywhere.
Yeah but keep the shills locked up though.
That's what Trump implied would happen
There are some bad ones, he said
>you didn't step back
>neither did you fuck yourself in the face
Not sure what you mean but it makes me laugh
> tink of Canada joining the US?
more libtarded fake elections faking our elections
perma-blue state like CA
I'd rather invade
>dayum - doc brown lloyd says the serious shit line