Yep… I'd haate to say, "I told ya so." Because this shit is upsetting to learn, and I don't want to rub it in. But, something must be done.
Most of them are "Talmudists" (adherents of the Talmud, Misnah and Gemara).
Yep… I'd haate to say, "I told ya so." Because this shit is upsetting to learn, and I don't want to rub it in. But, something must be done.
Most of them are "Talmudists" (adherents of the Talmud, Misnah and Gemara).
Alright, here's a preview of how this song will sound with the lyrics ya'll liked that I posted earlier. Still looking for suggestions on content for Verses 2 & 3, as well as the bridge. I'm also open to chord suggestions for the bridge. It goes without saying, but if you recognize me, shut your fucking mouth.
Enjoy… and feel free to critique. Final-product will be done with recording-software, proper mics, proper recording environment and accompaniment. This is just a rough-preview.
When the song is complete, I'll set it to video of Q-posts, Notables, relevant news-clips, etc. This can be an effective form of red-pill introduction! ;)
Nah… but if someone went to that much trouble, they'd be the type to be able to find me several different ways, anyway.
Nothing is secure. The same person could just as easily find you based on the post you just made.
Is what it is.
You are crying, "identity politics", because an anon is calling out a group that teaches, preaches and promotes pedophilia, criminality against gentiles and worse???
That's not playing "identity politics", it's called raising awareness about credible danger to our nation's population.
Talmudists prey on Gentiles. Period. Faggots like you want to condone this by essentially saying that terrorizing us is a protected religious belief of the Jews. Is that not what you're doing?
If a religious text clearly condones an act we consider depraved/criminal in America, do you think they should be free to practice these acts under protections of religious-freedom in the United States?
Not sure this guy is credible.
Bullshit… I've researched this personally. Go ahead and Google the synagogues in your area. Go to their websites. On over 80% of them, you will find statements like, "all our teachings begin with the Talmud", as well as, Talmud-study course/classes. (And their accompanying interpretive-works, the Misnah and Gemara). Many Jews are practicing Babylonian-Talmudist, thinking it's Judaism. The influence of the Talmud over Judaism, Islam and Christianity (primarily Catholicism) is FAR more prevalent than many presume.
I haven't seen any Nazi-LARPers here today yet.
So, I assume you're referring to the anons calling out the Talmudist-Jews.
Apparently, speaking out about Jewish-crimes:
= being a "Nazi shill".
= being a "CIA-nigger".
= being a "Shareblue-fag".
= being an "anti-Semite".
= being a "racist".
= being a "shill for Soros".
>Facts are not racist.
Well, I stand behind my religious beliefs, as outlined in the New Testament.
And those same friends, who you claim do not support the teachings of the religion they STILL belong to, likely have raised money/donated to several Jewish charities, have taken advantage of aid for Jews in everything from education, to housing, to employment, and will defend "their faith" against any naysayers.
They cannot sit here and say something like, "I disagree with the actions and teachings of the Crips, but I'm a proud-member and don't you dare speak out against us."
See what I mean?
Speaking of Crips and other gangs… Notice any familiar symbolism?!?
I like those lyrics. May have to tweak them a bit to fit, we'll see…
What do you mean by animation? Maybe some Murcoch-Murdoch? Lol
So, it could be said to bear similarity to the Khazarian Tamga? (The symbol on Ukraine's flag).