Duck boat victims: 9 family members among 17 who died
Duck boat victims: 9 family members among 17 who died
Muh Baby.
US immigration: baby did not recognise parents after five-month separation
Here's just a small smattering of the threats we've created for ourselves:
$247 trillion of global debt, growing exponentially
Off-budget liabilities well over a quadrillion dollars globally ($220+ trillion in the US alone)
Massively underfunded pensions mathematically unable to meet their future obligations
A coming peak in world oil supply somewhere between 2020-2030 (and around 2022 for the US)
A global economy that requires perpetual growth, but can't grow for much longer due to planetary resource constraints
Huge demographic imbalances in Japan, the US, the EU and Russia that will leave too few workers supporting too many elderly
Collapsing ecosystems and increasing heatwaves on both land and sea, threatening crop failures and food chain disruptions.
Collectively these all point to a future of less. Perhaps even a future of nothing.