Current sit-rep on plotting of 2-AVCO and 2-MAPP.
Hmm, it has a Nickleback quality to it, I like it. Quallity vocals too.
Now that I get the sound you are aiming at, how about these lyrics?
There's an evil that is all around
There's a common cause that we have found
Stand together, we all fight as one
So that truth and Justice shall be done
We are unknown soldiers, all at war
To destroy the evil for ever more
Rid the World of darkness, bring the light
Of the truth to all, and set things right
Members of an army all unknown
that has come together, we have grown
We can hear the battle trumpet call
And where we go one, then we go all.
2-MAPP is landing at Estoril, Portugal. 2-AVCO is landing at Manchester, UK.