Clowns to the left of me, smoking pepe to the right. Here I am stuck in the middle with muhjoo.
Nice little riot inciting deep state provocateur. Why don't you post a Mr pig meme for the real domestic terrorist cherry on top
Sometimes I miss just the way the REAL smoking pepe used to say "sniveling ratfuck". Those were the days. The current SP is a fake imposter because the real SP said he left long ago
God bless all Jewish Patriots WW
You'll find that a whole lot moar in the history of the board chat on more than you will seeing me muhjoo. Considering I've never posted a single merchant. You are destroyed, so you project anything hoping to make it stick.
Now that's called Anons winning.
God bless the jews, put an end to the vile merchant memes
Anons Winning Legion
Nothing can stop what is winning
Imagine being so destroyed you had to project your opponent was a muhjoo when there's literally 100x instances of saying "God bless Jewish Patriots WW" that can tracked and zero evidence of that Anon ever posting a merchant?
I mean you'd have to be pretty intellectually destroyed to revert to such desperate projections
… BTW, God bless the jews
Anons are really winning now
Prepare for an epic meltdown seethe storm
>Prepare for an epic meltdown seethe storm
Anon really called that one. Guess it's to be expected from a serial projector without Sauce or truth.
Anons winning.
Q replied to a merchant meme
Technically Q has muhjoo'd moar than Anon
Anons winning
It's mighty comfy in here today fam
Must be from destroying all the shill projections