The first video covers:
Supreme Court Justice Roberts.
Epstein “helped” Roberts with his adopted children.
Children from Wales.
Channeled through Ireland.
Epstein then facilitated adoption.
Children as a commodity.
Compromising people.
“Children are the payment and the dirt and the control.”
The FBI has copies of the videos.
Rod Rosenstein.
Shawn Henry (FBI).
Shaun Bridges (Secret Service).
The second video covers:
Pence and his two lovers (and his younger ones).
Surveillance of Roberts’ children.
The abuse of Roberts’ children.
The children were “loaned out” for these different groups.
And it was surveilled.
Plots to murder judges.
Set up by FBI.
They were going to use a “sovereign citizen” group.
“Obama didn’t want any terrorism unless it was white terrorism.”
FBI had infiltrated and armed and instigated.
Divorced fathers with a grudge against the court system.
Attacks on the Supreme Court.
Roberts was aware.
Automatic weapons.
Rocket launchers.
Lisa Monaco was a target.
Video three covers:
Supreme Court was target.
Homeland Security were overwhelmed.
Called in FBI.
DoJ picked up whistleblower.
Martha Coakley.
Groups to assassinate federal judges: 1/3 of group made up of “sovereign citizen” patsies and 2/3 made up of FBI.
Whistleblower and his wife were going to be killed.
Plan foiled.
Plans written out.
Would have been in the first year of Hillary’s Presidency.
She was not supposed to lose.
Roberts was helping.
He wanted to pick new judges (for those assassinated).
Purpose was to ban firearms and pack Supreme Court.
Antonin Scalia
Video four covers:
Scalia was biggest threat.
Scalia found out about plans and went to White House.
Scalia was taken out.
Cibolo Ranch.
Temp worker.
Group there hunting.
Dimethyl sulfoxide.
Fairly inert chemical.
Mix with poison.
Why found with pillow over face.
Struggling to breathe.
Can be mixed with fentanyl, etc.
Goes directly into skin.
Eric Holder as replacement.
Hillary and Obama knew about it.
Rod has an intense hatred of Hillary.
He’s only fond of himself.
Running The Hammer system through Baltimore.