>>22303906 lb
What a fucking moron. The Q Shaman was not moments aways from doing jack fucking shit much less taking over the US gubment. The level of stupidity and inanity from idiots like this never ceases to amaze me. It's a learned behavior.
>>22303906 lb
What a fucking moron. The Q Shaman was not moments aways from doing jack fucking shit much less taking over the US gubment. The level of stupidity and inanity from idiots like this never ceases to amaze me. It's a learned behavior.
Go back to FB where you belong.
Define functional Amy. It's functional if you mean the FBlie is functioning for you, your party and your movement. It sure as hell ain't functioning for the American people. Neither is the judicial system in many places in this country.
Says the wretched, idiot bitch who has always sought to undermine that, which she claims to support. STFU Kammy. You're done.
Yes baby. It's big but it's beautiful.
That is one FAT BASTARD. Time to take them all down Q.
Would not surprise me a bit.
Seconed. Make it so!!!
And it's time to indict and prosecute them all. "No Deals".
KMFAO!!! I do too anon. Always looking for a chance to post it!!! Perhaps Q will return and the meme will carry weight once moar!!