Short for VaticanDude, or Venereal Disease I suppose. Deep state spamtard. IP hops and behaves like a schizophrenic menace to distract and derail. If you've seen a ripple or two you can understand what he's trying, and failing, to accomplish through here though. I wouldn't worry about him. He's harmless. Easily filtered by selected unique phrases he uses put into the comment filter section in the options, or just through the little arrow faster than he can post or switch VPN's.
The BV's keep him in check. A refresh every now and then and his shit is gone. Or are you referring to his other "personas?" I was just referring to the NPC repetitive shit.
Ah, I see. You can view him as harmful if you prefer then. I choose not to in the sense that I can see what he's trying to do with his spam and he's failing, the reason for his spam is irrelevant to me. However, the spam needs to be dealt with, hence the global, but it is being dealt with and handled with ease by the looks of things, rendering it harmless. I guess you could say that's my reasoning behind that.
Hey, if you want to be scared of him, go for it but there's nothing that you can do to convince me that he's now not just another harmless deep state piece of shit. His intent is to cause harm, yes, but he's not causing harm so then the next logical conclusion I can make is that he's harmless.
>You call vatty harmless = triggered
Yeah, that did trigger you, didn't it? Busted out the Reddit spacing and everything. You're seriously trying to make me think that VaticanClown is not harmless because of a global. I'm sorry, but that smells of an Alinsky-ism to me. Later.
The clown that's nullified continually and effortlessly should be feared and thought of as harmful at all times because global?
"GLOBAL! There's a global about spam! Alinsky said use their rules against them! WHY WON'T HE FEAR VATICANCLOWN'S IMPOTENT EFFORTS?!"
I fear no evil, and rest assured the operator behind that persona most definitely is. They've been trying to destroy me for two years now! They fear me.
Think about it. Filtered. Poof. He adds nothing. Comment filters quiet him easily. It's no different than the Finklestein shit. That's how tuned out he is on this end. I mean, sure, yeah, it creates work for the BV's to go through his shit. I understand the harmful part in that aspect but that's why there are BV's no? They slap his shit down all the time. He's, in effect, harmless. If I was harmless they wouldn't have tried to destroy me, there's nothing about him worth destroying that he's not already doing himself.
doing to, i should have said.
Dude, give it up. I don't care that you got triggered by it. I don't care that you were triggered by noticing. Those are your problems, not mine.
Someone arguing that I should be scared of a spamtard. That's a new oneโฆ
>The current SP is a fake imposter because the real SP said he left long ago
What makes you say that? I can tell you that the real SP started thinking about the language he was using when battling the shills last year when that Donnie Osmond thing was on TV about him never swearing in his life. That's an admirable characteristic if true. It was a dark time around then. SP never did give up the swearing though but he did curb it to something he'd like to consider not so repugnant. Remember when you used to post merchants instead of obsessing about SP?
Think I'll start calling him Boring Legion rather than Simple Legion.
Got armor?
Ah, yes, that old continual circle jerk. "Look, I've been posting this 100x setting this up, that couldn't possibly mean it's me and who I work with when there's a rotation of targets that we go through. You're not supposed to notice those targets because then we have to magically claim anonymous means you can't tell or supposed to say."
Like I said last night, at least he's continually retarded. Absolutely Retarded, even.
I've only been seeing shills seething. The seething choleric temper they seek must be in another castle.
Stuck in a rut, spinning your tires, no traction, no change depending on what direction you point your tires, just flinging mud as far and as fast as you possibly can. You're running out of gas though. I can do this all. Actually do this all day. Poor bastards.
>do this all
do this all day
oops. words and shit.
Waitโฆ just realized. Called a shill harmless, and nothing to fear, and that triggered another anon? The Alinsky-ism with using the global to try and force me to think a certain way was when you overplayed your hand, just thought you should know, you know, for next time when you might have better luck, but most likely not.
I mean, I literally laid out how you silence him quickly and effectively as an anon on your own to make him harmless on your end. Oh, that's why that anon was triggered, that's not something he wants regular anons to know. KEK! I'd be on that fucktard if I could remove his posts. Remove that shit before he even posts it.
I'd go so far as to request a new feature added to the filter options: Filter by filename.
I'm thinking regex ability on filename patterns would be handy. I like naming my files. The mimics like copying the names I give my files. I still think it'd be a good addition to the filter options though. I don't mind if people filter me, I use only one ID, a side-effect being that I respect their filters they put on me because I've known my whole life that not everyone can stand me, but they rely upon forced visibility and compelled listening so arguably it'd be a greater loss to them than it would ever be to me.