Is it really only 14 days untilSqueakygets shitcanned?
I think it's because in reality, there's 7.62 colored loofahs tied to his golf cart, in ALL the colors of the rainbow.
After covering everyone else's costs. Then they can go to prison.
Michael Knowles @michaeljknowles
This is the first time since 1959 that a Castro hasn't led a country in the western hemisphere. Wild!
John Harwood @JohnJHarwood
a small weak man of low character
Brian Allen @allenanalysis
What an absolutely pathetic display of fragility and hate. The bare minimum—shaking someone’s hand—is apparently too much for these people.
This is cave-dweller behavior, plain and simple.
No class, no decency, just pure spite.
Snake Plisskenish(RedheadAppreciator)🇮🇱 reposted
Stephen L. Miller @redsteeze
This is why you're unemployed.