>You are anonymous, Anon. No one knows you from one bread to the next.
That's not true. Meme rotations, filenames, cadence, vocabulary, there are many identifying markers other than those. Stare at this board enough, like 16 hours a day every day for 7 years and you see patterns within the chaos. You can assign names to those patterns that repeat. Being anonymous does not preclude one from being recognized. You're not magically unable to be detected bread to bread just because you think you can't be or because you say you can't be. This isn't halfchan. There's a core group of shills, a core group of anons that have been interacting daily here for years so to say that no one can tell from bread to bread is just naive at best, or a lie for cover at worst. If you want fantasy anonymity where people pretend that they can't tell each other apart or are actually unable to then Halfchan would be more up your alley with its high visitor turnaround.