I hope the money the pedophiles paid you to fight for them here was worth the failure you delivered for them, shills.
I love the U.S. more than you love your station in life. I'd give my life for it. You'd give someone else's life.
>22306672 (me)
I meant towards the shills. Forgot to direct the post towards them.
I have no regrets over what I've done here, either through experimentation in my learning phase or just neglecting my surrounding while berzerking in my challenging the shills phase, but I do have remorse over some of what I did. Like I said last night when some anon facetiously asked if everyone passed the loyalty test last night. I've had some fuck-ups along the way since Q went quiet, targeting good people and anons unintentionally with my special brand of focus, especially during the cognitive tunneling they put me under in 2024, but some of that had to happen that way I think.
>who are you talking to?
You, dumbass. Did the (You) you got not clue you in?
>was i talking to you?
No, but I talked to you, didn't I? You were talking to no one by the looks of it.
>do you feel guilty?
I explained that. Did you forget already?
>do you think that if you convince me of anything that a military tribunal will also believe you?
I wasn't trying to convince you of anything.
>you sound concerned?
You're unsure?
Now with that dealt with, filtered for being a basic bitch clown.
You're the one posting emotional content. Dumbass.
Yeah, but you lost, Simple Legion, bigly. You're not anon. You're anonymous but you're not a qr anon. You stopped being anon when you started pretending to be me in an attempt to destroy me. Doing so also shined a nice big spotlight on your intent to deceive others here. You're a failure, Simple Legion. A total failure to who pays you. Two years and you failed to destroy SP like you claimed you were going to do, but yet you still look to me with hunger to add new bits and pieces to your persona.
"Smoking Pepe posts wizards and pepes reading. I need to post wizards and pepes that are reading," he says to himself with eyes glazed over.
I suspect he thought it was a vector to hijack for influence reasons. Poor little bugger. Displayed the very behavior that used to get people kicked out of city states and even entire countries hundreds of years ago, contnuing to prove the theory it's not who the shills try telling everyone "it" is with their forced visibilty and compelled listening, but "it" is the very shills here who spam and distract and try to divide and who pay them to post that garbage.
I mean, I don't see any ripples caused by shills, but I do see the ones caused by other genuine anons and, seemingly, even from myself. That's the reason for the "destruction" they're attempting. They want that for themselves, hence the mimicry, and they want to stifle the source, hence the "destruction" farce.
>I dare you to find a more iconically Mexican image than this total eclipse of the sun
And let's say it's a white hat that's been fucking with me for two years. There'd be nothing that could be done to remedy the situation. It'd be in the best interests to never let me know or even be in the same room as me if I do know.
It's too bad they blew all their online ammo here. They should have held off on the banhammer and the mimicry until now, but like the retarded fools they are, they just couldn't help themselves. Anons said "Squirrel" and they said, "Where!?" Now all hey have is trying to be a nuisance and even that's pathetic. I wonder who suicide weekend will hit first, the upper echelon or the lackeys.
Dumbest shill of the night. Congratulations.
Oh no. Not mighty MuhJoos from the past, here to spread the same bullshit that they always did. Still a bunch of fuckin' absolutely retarded clowns. In two weeks time do you suppose their timers start, or start counting down?