> I just can't help myself sometimes.
that's NOT what your problem is
your problem is that you cannot resist HURTING yourself
> I just can't help myself sometimes.
that's NOT what your problem is
your problem is that you cannot resist HURTING yourself
>I will always believe that Trump was installed, and not chosen by the people
no one cares what (((YOU))) believe
simple as that
imagine if every renter within a mile of a 5G tower moved out
rents plummet
prop values plummet
that's the ONLY thing that will get their attention
and it will get it REAL QUICK
keep spreading this UNVERIFIED story
and helping them seduce idiots into taking the clotshot
good job
>Inbreeding causes them severe mental illness and a high incidence of genetic diseases.
proof nature is self-correcting
>does this translate into states raising taxes on citizens to pay for illegals?
ya gotta ASK?
i believe it's past your bedtime, child
tick tockโฆโฆ
>voyeurs, like all deviants, are capable of some fancy pretzel logic
whereas glowniggers go straight to it
that's why they stick out likeโฆโฆ
you knowโฆ..
the thing
>Weird that she's so hot
you must be REALLY desperate
wouldn't fuck her with bill clinton's dick
>Ashkenazi Jews Have Extremely High Rates of Schizophrenia (40%)and BiPolar Disorder
so let's institutionalize everyone with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
that way it's not "anti-semitic"
(even tho they have zero semitic ancestry)
well how ELSE were they supposed to plant the evidence to feed the narrative?
shut up moar, asshat
>Unfortunately I refuse to hire Jews, so they're not the best lawyers
maybe some H1B lawyers would help?
before stupidphones
females would have spent that time alone in front of a mirror
now they can share that "special" time