==For the first time in this century, Democrats did not challenge the certification of a Republican president.
Every other Republican win since 2001 has been challenged by democrats.==
anons i'm not sure this is true but i don't doubt it. and if it is the case, that is Q making that shit happen think about it.. one more Trump presidency? No bad guys would survive.
And yet no Dems or Rinos cause a stink and instead peacefully certify the election.
Thank you Q.
wow i fucked that up good .. sorry
it's arbitrary retards
i'm sorry you picked the wrong side of things
lookin sharp
after all this time anons.. two more weeks and Trump is back in business
remember this one Mr. Pig? i have a folder full of your excellent memes
you do a good job keeping up morale.. ty
coming soon to a theatre near you
can't bring myself to delete it
smaller font kek
watch this old meme soar in value
it's all over but the crying for you faggots