kekkity kek kek
>>22306619 lb
>>22306660 lb
>Wear The Armor of God
And be sure to offer up an abomination by invoking God and then posting an image of God's creation (man) with a cat's head. Yeah. That should go over real well with the Lord. Nice work Satan. No wonder you're fucking cursed.
That's it you evil fool. Point out my perceived wrongs without acknowledging your own. Straight out of Stan's playbook.That should get you really good results.
Just noticing picrel.
Any anon. And I mean ANY anon. Who has to roll out that old tired schtick. "I was here first" Has ALREADY lost. Why? Several reasons. First off there is no way for (you) to PROVE IT. So you expect gravitas just based on your statement. Which is completely RETARDED. Second. picrel. Third. picrel. There are other reasons. But anon knows shit for brains has a very limited attention span to go along with near zero reading comprehension.
(dank memes deliberately NOT highlighted in your case)
>is retarded
>has horrible taste in what it claims are memes
Pig encourages anons to stagnate the economy
Even portrays just throwing money away in the trash
Which is beyond retarded because it harms the person the money belongs to. And serves counter to Pig's mission because scarcity actually increases value. So yes. Pig is so stupid that he actually shoots himself in the foot on a regular basis. Guess (you) are pretty stupid too.
Remember when she said "They're just mad because they can't date me!"? Top effin kek.
Straight out of a really bad movie about a conceited high school girl. Who, in their right mind, would want to date a female that says things like that? What. A. Bitch.
Oh! So now you are a US President? Your delusion knows no bounds.
Forty posts Pig. You can do it!
Sure it was. Oh yeah! Almost forgot! Chinese read right to left. Makes sense now.
That was the other Pig hating anon Pig. This one never said that. This one knows you are a slope. Whirlwind Pig, whielwind.