They think they're Royalty.
Do I count as extra if I'm fat?
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Search "Springfield underground storage".
Over 3 million square feet underground. Could be a city.
The pic is misleading, it's from a tour cave near by. Springfield Underground looks like the interstate…Semis cruising in and out of the mountain.
Gotta be a reason this stuff is back in the news. Agofsky killed a banker, shedding light for a purpose in the movie?
Watch "Tulsa King". The shit with the chinks and the pot farms is real.
Lots of fishy details….local crime here….anon worked with dead bankers window (Joyce) over 20 years ago.
What's with all the fruity leafpop videos? Somebody having a Monday night fag party?
Yeah, those.
OK,,,,pass the Molly dude….
Show me how many times you're using correct English.
Waaaa..I got filtered…Waaaa….