The story of Abraham and his son is about obeying God
Go back to your Freemason lodge and find a different lie
The story of Abraham and his son is about obeying God
Go back to your Freemason lodge and find a different lie
Thank God we ran Don Jr out of Montana, what a douche
Old Testament is Heeb history
Real Christian follow the New Testament and worship Christ our Savior
Fretting over the Heebs is dumb for any modern person to care about, primarily cuz they ain’t Heebs
That would be their “fatal flaw” not listening to God, and they will be destroyed in an instant
Only one Savior
Even baseball? WTF
On the bright side, we will be able to rebuild everything without Masonic evil
The feckless platform will be begging people to stay on FB
Next generation of computers is gonna be racist as hell