there are other laws, too.
many people who struggle with lust don't just start sinning all the other sins, anon.
They seriously want to be moral and behave as God wants, they just don't have the charism to do it.
so they do as they do and they behave as they behave.
and some of them are craven jerks who use other men, treat them as chattle, do sexual stuff, abuse them, perform satanic rituals on their 'partners' and lead the other men to hell.
those men are far worse than the guy who says 'oh, my, what a handsome man who my sister would want to date. Isn't he something.'
try to understand: we are all sinners.
lust doesn't throw you onto the burn pile.
disrespecting and abusing people?
it's a little bit more of a problem.
the lust, itself, is something built in to keep people wanting sex so that there will be children.
anyway, ya, you seem to have no compassin and seem to ignore your own sinful way, so busy you are condemning men for finding other men very attractive. God made us to have this beauty. It's not sinful to see it in others.
You tagged the wrong person, shill.
don't you think you are paid enough to actually keep track of who is saying what?