Drumpfy faykgina
& drunks
There is not Guns in LA than kanuckistan
*moar guns in LA
Keno an salad tossin bars homojuwrotica crap feed
Go to spirit douche an got colonics wiff Ernesto poorass portfolio
Yur Kennedy is showing
An Alec bladwin boofurs
Trannywhorin drunk pedophiles an Kennedy lucr tryin to taste Alec bladwins pedovore farts
His faykgina fuul of drumpf too
We should rally sum blonde Finnish geezurz to sit on Alec bladwins face for Kennedy lucr flesh crimes
FelonY drumpf larpin French nazi zombies
Their whole border is based off a war for a pig
Imaginary fren is malign Alec Baldwin volcano face
tldr:Kennedy zombiejuws suck a lot of kiester and lie
Lacks credibility
Kennedy is a dumb Fichtl fuul of incest crimes an shitty memes
Stfu fruuudough
They should wrastle in marks anus
Faggy foddur
Huukur still selling faykgina