Can't wait to see these faggots get their comeuppance. So sick of the ADL.
>12 million ethnic Ashkenazis are hostages.
No one gives a shit about muh 6 gorillion™ anymore, Anon. That ship has sailed.
>it is only because no one else was allowed a level playing field.
hand rubbing intensifies
>Do you really think Trump wants to watch his mixed race grandchildren die because they carry a genetic marker for a bioweapon?
Mixed race, huh? Do tell, my fellow White Person™ (vidrel). 23 and Me, as well as Ancestry are both Kosher™ owned. I don't think the Black Hats are targeting their own, Anon.
But keep playing that canary. Makes me kek every time you pull your bullshit "But Trump's mixed-race grandchildren." Tick Tock….
>Not going to fly well in this country.
I served, but it wasn't on behalf of America. It was for ZOG. I drill into all three of my boys tonotenlist. Let them fight their own wars. They can have Vindman leading the charge.