you have my Guardian of Faith B
There is Great Tension in the Source
Fear Increasing with each day
Much Anxiety
The Political Elite have no clue what the people want
They have divided themselves from them
Living in their Ivory Towers
Jagmeet Singh does not represent the people
He represents Himself & his own Enrichment
Normies know something is happening
They don't know what is Happening
They can't Identify it
They can't name it
But they Know…
-Something- is Happening
He's a Sick Man
He is a Man that Places Value on Grown Men from other Countries & no Value on the Children of his own Country
He's a sick man
Normies that are just finding out about Muslim Rape gangs & the decades long Gov Coverup
Once it starts
They'll start running
& They won't be going to Mexico
Suddenly People who didn't care about the worlds largest un protected Border
Will start caring about the Worlds Largest Unprotected Border
Remind me again why Trump told Canada to up their Border Security?
Those That have no Value for Children & Continue to pursue the Devaluation of Children
Will find themselves having a Hard time walking down the streets
I'm just a Meme Farmer
is a Peaceful life
That sounds like a lot of work
I'd rather mock people
Millions are about to flood into Canada
& Those that didn't want to be involved
will suddenly be involved
Canada doesn't have the resources to counter an invasion at that scale
Trudeau has made sure the Military has no way of fighting back
they don't even have bullets
you don't' Muslims to Hide who they are and live in fear
What about the Christians & Anti-Christianism?
Has he ever gave a speech about them?
or just Muslims get special treatment?