I am the Rankest Consensus!
One news vid had a picnic table on fire, with nothing else near it, no bushes ,grass, nothing but smoke.
I'll Try to be Nicer,
If you try to be Smarter.
I think they ARE about to be less White……very less White……
You want me to type out Potassium?
They're gonna be Charcoal!
Legal here, grew outdoors, have flower to spare….still buy edibles for pain.
It's almost like I'm watching a movie.
That's AntiZionist!
Vid looks fake. Fireworks.
Stupid people believe it….Powerline got knocked down across the road in front of my truck, it looked like welding flash, arcing buzzing, zzzzztt sound like a giant welder, not a pop with sparks flying out.>>22314286
Kek….Bastards of Muppets…..
Now listen to it…..kek….Bastards, Bastards…