>>22312128 pb
>>Venezuelan President Maduro says two "very high-level" US citizens have been arrested in Venezuela alongside a group of 7 mercenaries
Maduro wants to play hostage-invader.
These people are beyond sick, b
The answer is goats. Goats eat anything, down to the roots, so local libtard politicians would pay some guy with a herd of goats to mow the scrub areas for a few days or weeks, if they had a clue. They got no rain for months; that place was tinder. Sue the incompetent cronies and unaminously vote them out - next time.
Do you know what RICO is, you fucking psychos?
Newsom is to dumb
The gardeners don't like competition
Be less 3rd world raping cannibal
I haven't got the message yet. The coyotes only attack when they have numbers.
The 1st one was probably a downed powerline. The rest are arson. Arson is prosecuted like murder. It's ok to shoot arsonists.
How many thousand illegal kebobs do you think lurk in LA?
Bronfman Canada, Trudeau's handler
That's how much [they] really believe in the global warming scam.
If a pregnant woman is murdered, why do they charge 2 counts of murder?
Secret societies
This meets the UN definition of Genocide.
You made an informed choice to commit Genocide and now you can face the music.
Now you know how they feel in WNC
According to FGN FJB already promised and has 13 days to loot the treasury