in light of earlier night proceeding
how is the consensus going?
in light of earlier night proceeding
how is the consensus going?
petition the King
ask if he will support an enquiry
into his subjects offspring
add Royals to the list
Why does Tommy Robinson's wife call him Stephen?
tommie british slang for army soldier
robinson is son of robin
robin hood is uk hero
y u pick that name?
Let Greenland go
Say fuck you to Denmark
Did Denmark pay its NATO debt yet?
got a tiny bit better
U need unrestricted water to fight fire
Good morning Team MAGA!
Qtm Soon
Thank you all.
Any follow up on what the super duper quantam questions that were asked and answered recently?
like they made a whole fuss about it
and nothing but smoke
reckon they asked if God was real first?
But seriously
big effort to promote
and basically it was trust us
how come no one else noticed?
where did the drones go?
Santa's little helpers?
aluminum alloy
is subjective
much like shillathons
subjectives everywhere
nothing like turning others people misery into your misfortune
looking at insider voted secret /wink traders
Getting close to kickoff.
Do you have a valid response?
Strategic land grabs are all the rage atm
I'm sorry
were you busy?
tbh if China pays
could work
you did it before
best part of asking a question is not being wrong or right
no karmic
right ic?
what's the general consensus of how USA citizens appreciate paying for
-Ukraine pensions
-Taliban pensions
-u discern
The Panama Canal and then getting treated like dirt?
U build the Panama Canal China?
They want u divided by greed
quickest way to divide is
have and have nots
we are aware
Deicide is the killing of a god
Good luck
China got Russia above it
USA got Canada above it
Wanna do secret super team ups?
What's below China?
did u see the KIng of Denmark make a new royal sookie coat?
was this in the UK?
cause they don't give a fuck
hit a nerve did I?
not many ppl defend mass rap of kids
ur going to be shown to all
make ur excuses then
can u shills group up pls?
we need better training dummies
ur not keeping up