Organizing the redevelopment corp as they post. Nothing like a sweet, Fed backed, Pelosi & Insider land deal in CA. (See Presidio)
Eric T was behind the pilot, Charlie Kirk was sitting behind the copilot. BOTH filmed the "Full Afterburner" take off from the short stripped Island.
""Look! Squirrel!!""
(DJT Always makes you look overseas when chit's going down, locally. ALWAYS.)
You no unnerstand overseas might mean outside border of USA metaphor? Go have another hot covfefe
Not my prollem you prefer Reddit as your sandbox to rule, grasshopper.
Largest RICO case in NY history, which takes some effort after Madoff (who was NOT RICO'd, I don't think, but should've….(Who'd he clear, fer example)..
Not when that's the UNH model….(Owning the hospitals AND the related practices…monopsony abounding, because political cover under OCare)