Guess it was just a temp post from the baker.
The Name of the Windโฆ Ain't that some shit? Meterologists have a new buzzword and graphics to induce fear.
>anon has never seen this place sink so far in its collective IQ.
You weren't here for the summer of cock spam that resulted in Proto being created?
It's like they're becoming the weirdos from that one movie that had that chick with the grade 8 education that fucked Weinstein for roles. The dystopian one where the character used a bow and arrow and it was based on a book.
Yeah, you never know. They might ask for your credit card as you browse through every Q post that has been collected.
>But the Rewards are Heavenly
Good way to put it. When this is done, in real life I get to walk away with what I walked in with, absolutely nothing, save for what I learned. I'm willing to bet a lot of the shills here won't be able to claim the same for their real lives.
Yep. If someone can hear you breathe through your devices whenever they want then they know exactly who each and every anon here is. So does the deep state I'd wager.
All new to me. I've never been on a list until this place. I only claim that fact because I'm a regular target of the shills, I'm on their list anyway. KEK!
I really enjoyed it last year when they were getting my cookies and announcing here on the board some of the websites that I was going to. That was fun.
Quiet, Simple Legion. You most definitely are stupid by copying everything I do in front of me and then calling me a narcissist for that. Retard.
I put others' freedom ahead of my own. Can you say the same, Simple Legion?