Jews Created Catholicism in 300 AD to try to Control Christianity.
Christianity is not an organized religion, it is a belief.
Catholicism is an organized religion based on Paganism, Idolatry, and Superstitions, with a little bit of Christianity thrown in for good measure to try to fool people. Catholicism is based on works to obtain one's own salvation therefore negating the need of a Savior/Messiah.
People managed to be Christians in spite of the Control that Catholicism was holding over them. Christianity was spreading all over Europe.
So the Jews created the religion of Islam to Combat Christianity.
Islam has many elements of Judaism. meat restrictions, etc.
Ishmael was the first son of Abraham in 2000 BC but was not the basis of a religion until the Jews invented Islam in 600 AD.
Islam is a religion based on works to obtain eternal salvation and does not rely on a Savior/Messiah. Follow the 5 pillars of Islam and earn your own salvation. No Savior necessary.
The Jews were desperate to stop the spread of Christianity so they created the Army of Islam to Combat Christianity. That way the Jews didn't have to get their hands dirty and could stay exclusive.
The people who call themselves Jews nowadays believe that they are exclusive from the rest of the world (Goyim) and that a Messiah (actually the Anti-Christ) will come to Earth to establish an Earthly Kingdom for the Jewish People where the Jews will be Lords & Masters over all other peoples. All other peoples will be their slaves. Their idea of the Messiah is that the Messiah is for them alone, not for all of Humanity.
Poor souls have it all backwards. They started out being God's Chosen People and ended up being Satan's Chosen People.