see: >>2232077
stfu larp
monday will be 17 days since Q has posted
thinking that could be the end of the blackout
>we have all we need to perform our role.
Q might not post again, but WE DON'T have it all
fine, YOU don't have it all either
had the same feeling
I feel like Disney knew shit that the public didn't, and got rid of him before that came out
>You don't know me
you're anonymous
go back to twatter
its a fact, we don't have it ALL, Q/POTUS do
IP hopping Rtards making it seem they're not just shills
we dindu nuffin, its interdasting
muh larps
I can't wait for Q to give you Rfaggots a "You Failed."
>I'm inclined to believe the planetwide dust storm from that NASA Tweet
I couldn't see anything for the past few days, clouds all night
socialists don't work
so is HE HEtard