Smarmy self-absorbed photo-op saying he's not politicizing this like others but is actually politicizing his fraudulent virtue. Faggot is just like Trudeau.
Ah, surf & slurp. Herbed haddock and bacon carbonara fettuccine.
KEK. Slick Willy just can't help himself.
How 'bout some links to the articles rather than notabling screenshots?
Grace is eternal.
Door? Motherfucker, it's a path with boundaries and no named threshold to cross. KEK.
I mean, there's a time for humility and a time for being mean when you don't necessarily want to but have to. Be kind to your neighbor and flip their tables are two sides of the same coin.
It was "their" democracy though, "their" mob rule, not hers. Why do you think He did it?
Just in one of those moods I guess. Not a subject I touch on very often is all.
Everyone smelt this one.
Or wait, that should be smelled. Smelt is like what you do to metal.
> 8375c6
Quiet, Simple Legion. Little Angry Inch. Comes here to try and deceive others. You'll never be me, though I do find it most amusing that you continually try copying everything I do in order to try and give a false impression to others. It's not my fault you feel like you're in second place, but I will remind you of it.
Say, remember when you used to post that list of "famefags" that you were going to destroy. Top of that list was Tranimae. Now you fawn over him, can't wait for him to bake, and call him the Archangel Michael. You dumbfuck flipflopping evil piece of shit. Your stupidity and the jealousy that drives it is most definitely going to be your downfall.
He's retarded because I pointed out he had me at the top of his list and then he immediately put me at the bottom after I pointed it out. Easy to manipulate the little turd when he's mad.
How about that? The mimic and VaticanClown show up at the same time. Must be a coincidence. KEK. Evil little turds.